Submission Guideline

Editorial Team


Prof. Dr. Ehab El Shamy

Chancellor, American International Theism University Florida-USA

Editorial/ Advisory Board Members

Prof. Dr. Ehab El Shamy

Chancellor, American International Theism University Florida-USA

Dr. Hidayat Ur Rehman

American International Theism University Florida-USA

Managing Editor

Dr. Zahid Ali

Associate Professor, School of Education, American International Theism University Florida-USA

Associate Editor

Preparing the Manuscript:

Read the Aims & Scope to get an overview and determine whether your work is appropriate for this publication. Prepare your manuscript using the Microsoft Word template. Check that problems such as publication ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data, and reference format have been properly addressed. Ascertain that the submitted manuscript’s content has been approved by all authors.

Categories of Publications

Manuscripts submitted to SRJ must adhere to word count guidelines; specifically, they must be between 5,000 and 6,000 words long while still covering all relevant ground. In order to replicate the results, thorough experimental details are required. When submitting to SRJ, authors are expected to publish all experimental controls and provide complete datasets when applicable. Manuscripts submitted to SRJ must not have been previously published, nor be currently being reviewed for publication elsewhere. The most prevalent types of articles are as follows:


Manuscripts reporting original research are welcome at the journal so long as they accurately report scientifically valid experiments and add significant new knowledge to the field. Authors shouldn’t split their works into multiple manuscripts unless absolutely necessary. During the peer review process, both the study’s quality and its potential impact will be evaluated.

 Review Articles:

These are clear and precise summaries of the most recent findings in a particular field of study. Guidelines that are generally accepted should be used for systematic reviews.

 Preprints, Case Reports and Conference papers:

 Neither preprint case reports nor conference proceedings can be submitted to nor published by SRJ. On the other hand, enlarged and high-quality conference papers might be classified as articles provided that they match the following requirements:

The article has been lengthened to research paper proportions. On the opening page of the document, you should reference and make note of the conference paper. If the authors do not own the rights to the published conference paper, they must obtain permission from the rightful owner before submitting it for publication. Authors must indicate in the cover letter that the paper was presented at a conference and explain the changes made from the original presentation. SRJ does not publish pilot studies or studies with inadequate statistical power.

Manuscript Review Process

Editorial Procedures and Peer Review

Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office will be reviewed by a trained editorial staff member or the subject expert to ensure they are up to standard and adhere to the journal’s guidelines. Before being sent out for peer review, manuscripts may be rejected if they do not adhere to the journal’s ethics policy or criteria.

Unacceptable manuscripts will be sent back for further editing. Once the Managing Editor has completed these steps, they will discuss the manuscript with the Senior Editor, Associate Editor, or Guest Editor (or with the Editor-in-Chief in the case of a conflict of opinion/interest) to assess if the work is appropriate for the journal and if the research presented is sound. At this point, no evaluation of the work’s importance or possible impact will be made. Rejections cannot be contested in any way.

Reviewer Suggestions

Please recommend two suitable reviewers who are specialists in the relevant subject during the manuscript submission process. These reviewers should be from academically or professionally developed countries with considerable research and innovation experience. It is not guaranteed that the editors will contact these reviewers. Please provide as much contact information as you can, such as your address, website, phone number, and email address. These individuals should not be current collaborators of the co-authors, nor should they have published with any of the article’s co-authors within the last two years. The officials should also not have published with any of the manuscript’s co-authors within the last two years.


Policy Regarding Plagiarism

All contributors are expected to read and adhere to SRJ’s plagiarism policy.

According to SRJ policy, submissions with a Similarity Index of 15% or above, even from a single source above than 5%, are automatically rejected.

When submitting a manuscript that was taken from a Master of Philosophy, Master of Science, or Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, the author must include a cover letter declaring the “title of the thesis,” “Supervisor name,” Department and University name,” year of submission.”

Plagiarism, fabricated statistics, and altered images will not be accepted. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of someone else’s words, ideas, images, or data, even in one’s own writings. Text taken from another source must be placed within quotation marks and the original author must be credited. All sources that provided inspiration for the study’s concept, the manuscript’s structure, or the language used must be acknowledged.

The peer review procedure may result in the rejection of a manuscript if plagiarism is found. We reserve the right to publish an erratum, retract the manuscript, and bar the author(s) from future publications if plagiarism is discovered after publication.

No changes or edits should be made to an image file that could potentially alter the meaning of the image.

Examples of irregular manipulation include 1) adding, changing, or removing elements from the original image; 2) combining images that should be presented separately (e.g., from different regions of the same gel or from different gels); and 3) adjusting the image’s contrast, brightness, or colour balance to hide, reveal, or emphasize certain details. During the peer review process, if we discover and confirm that the images have been manipulated in an unnatural way, we will likely reject the submission. We reserve the right to retract or revise the manuscript and bar the author(s) from future publishing if evidence of post-publication image modification is found to be substantial.

If claims of publication misconduct are submitted, our in-house editors will investigate them and may communicate with the authors’ institutions or funders. If proof of wrongdoing is found, the publication in question will be corrected or retracted, and the author may be barred from publishing in any future issues of AITU/SRJ journals.


Publication Ethics

 Publication Ethics Statement

To ensure that only high-quality research articles are published in this journal, the editors adhere to strong ethical principles and standards and implement a thorough peer-review procedure. Inappropriate authorship credit, data fabrication, picture alteration, and other forms of plagiarism do occur. The editors at SRJ are well-versed in publication ethics and have been instructed to implement a zero-tolerance approach in such matters. In order to have their works accepted for publication in SRJ, authors must meet these guidelines:

The author(s) must reveal any information that could be seen as a conflict of interest before submitting the manuscript for publication.

Authors are expected to report their findings honestly and provide a neutral analysis of the relevance of their findings.

It is important to include adequate detail in the manuscript about the data and procedures utilized so that other researchers can reproduce the results.

It is unacceptable to submit a work to multiple journals at the same time.

It is not acceptable to republish previously published material (such as an English translation of a paper first published in another language).

The authors have an obligation to swiftly alert the journal’s editors to any errors or omissions they discover after their paper has been published.

Nothing in your manuscript should have been previously published. If you plan on using any previously published figures or photos, be sure to secure the appropriate permissions from the original authors.

Open Access & Copy Right Policy

Any material submitted for publication must be original, unpublished, and not currently being considered for publication anywhere else (with the exception of thesis work). Submitting a manuscript with a copyright declaration signed by the author will automatically grant “SRJ” all copyrights to the work. The publisher/journal has no control over how the work is used after it has been published.

When an author chooses to publish in this journal, they have the option of making their paper open access, which makes it freely available to anybody, subscriber or not. The Licensing authority governs all SRJ publications. As long as the original author and source are credited, anybody is free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work.


AITU’s official publication is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Publication fees paid by the author and, in some cases, a contribution from the publisher, are the primary sources of funding and support. We receive no funding or support from outside parties.

Publication Fee

When an article is accepted for publication and the authors are notified by the Managing Editor, the following publishing fees will be due from the authors.

The standard charge for publication services is 500 USD, per Article.

When an article is accepted for publication, the author’s account information will be made available.

Those in the research community (especially graduate students and postdocs) who aren’t able to afford the full cost of publication are encouraged to submit their work for consideration at a reduced rate, provided it meets the journal’s standards for quality.